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Coach pick-up points

We request that members be on time for each trip as coaches can not wait.  There will be a member at each point to look after newcomers and ensure that no one who is on the list is left behind.  However, trips are planned for arrival/entrance times and punctuality is important.

Please note that coach drivers can only pick up and drop at DESIGNATED STOPS AS LISTED BELOW.


Pick-up point for Basingstoke currently is the bus shelter (on the north side, east bound in Alecone Link below the Railway Station.

Alencon Link

Pick-up point

Basingstoke pick-up point.png

Basingstoke rail station


When journeys begin in Basingstoke the coach driver will pick up on London Road A30, at the east bound bus stop opposite the White Hart, Hook, adjacent to the car park. (Paying)

When the journey begins at Hartley Witney the pick up point is at the Old White Hart. Passengers park in the (paying) car park at Hook, cross the road, walk about 100 yards towards Basingstoke, and wait for the coach at the west bound bus stop outside The Old White Hart.

Hook Pick up points.png

East bound Bus Stop

West bound Bus Stop


When journey begins in Basingstoke the pick up point is on the High Street A30 at the east bound bus stop outside Swan Court.

When the journey begins in Hartley Witney the pick-up is at the west bound bus stop on the other side of the road. 

Screenshot (58) Hartley Witney Pick-up point.png

East bound Bus Stop

West bound Bus Stop

ALTON (ONLY when there is a southerly destination as indicated in the booking form) Bus stop on Drayman’s Way - alongside Sainsbury’s. 

Screenshot (59) Alton pick-up point.png

Bus Stop

Sainsbury's Supermarket

High Street

Butts Road

We would encourage all members, for whichever pick-up point they choose, to participate in car sharing arrangements.

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